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2016-08-23 Selectmen's Minutes
Stow Board of Selectmen
August 23, 2016
Town Building

Present at the meeting that was held at Town Building were James Salvie, Brian Burke, Donald Hawkes, Ingeborg Hegemann and Thomas Ryan.

Also present was Maureen Trunfio, Administrative Assistant. William Wrigley, Town Administrator was absent.

Mr. Salvie called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Public Input: None

Chairman’s Comments: Mr. Salvie mentioned a Stow Police Department Facebook post and reminded everyone, “if you see something, say something.” He reminded all that the Stow Conservation Trust’s Bike for the Woods, a family-friendly ride, will take place this Sunday beginning at 8:30 a.m. and that there was still time to register.

Meeting Minutes
Mr. Hawkes moved to accept the meeting minutes of the August 9, 2016 meeting as amended. Mr. Ryan seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.

Mr. Hawkes moved to accept the meeting minutes of the April 12, 2016 meeting as drafted. Mr. Burke seconded the motion and it passed. Ms. Hegemann abstained.

Discussion/vote on permit for 2016 Stow Gobbler Race
Student organizers Nicholas Streeter, Eli Lemieux, Ella Lemieux and Jayne Conry were present and addressed the Board. All approvals have been received from Public Safety.
Mr. Burke moved to approve the use of Town public ways for the Annual Stow Gobbler 5K Road Race on Thanksgiving Day, November 24, 2016. Mr. Hawkes seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.

Discussion/vote on appointment/promotion of Call Firefighter to Call Firefighter/EMT
The Board voted in favor of making a change in the appointment of Call Firefighter Nicholas Trioli to Call Firefighter/EMT, after he recently renewed his EMT license.
On the recommendation of the Fire Chief, Mr. Hawkes moved to appoint Nicholas Trioli to the position of Call Firefighter/EMT for the Town of Stow Fire Department, for the remainder of the current fiscal year, with subsequent reappointments being one-year terms, beginning July 1. Mr. Ryan seconded he motion and it was passed unanimously.
Final Report from Elementary School Building Committee (ESBC)
Co-Chair of the ESBC, Ellen Sturgis, informed the Selectmen that the ESBC held their final meeting. Ms. Sturgis summarized their final report for the Selectmen. She reported that Center School cost Town taxpayers approximately $16.5 million. The Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) contributed approximately $14 million.
Mr. Hawkes moved to accept the Final Report of the Elementary School Building Committee (ESBC), signifying the completion of the renovation and expansion of Stow’s Center School. Mr. Ryan seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.

Discussion/vote to sign certificates for ESBC and accept Final Report
Co-Chair Amy Finkel Hastings was also present and both she and Ms. Sturgis were sincerely thanked by the Board for their many years of effort and presented with Certificates of Appreciation.
Mr. Hawkes moved to approve and sign Certificates of Appreciation for Ellen Sturgis and Amy Finkel Hastings, co-chairs of the ESBC. Mr. Ryan seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.

Discussion/vote on Ch. 61A waiver for 241 Boxboro Road Discussion
The Board voted on July 12, 2016 to exercise the Town's option or right of first refusal, in order to enable a Town Meeting vote on whether to acquire the property; and to provide timely notice to the property owners of the Town's exercise of said option or right of first refusal. The notice of the exercise of the Town's option or right of first refusal was recorded in the Middlesex South Registry of Deeds on July 29, 2016. The Town declined to purchase the parcels by vote at Special Town Meeting held on August 8, 2016. Mr. Hawkes read:
Whereas the Town received notice of the intended sale of certain land on Boxboro Road, currently subject to Chapter 61A; specifically:
        First, approximately 4.13 acres of land on Boxboro Road in Stow, shown on the Stow      Assessors’ Maps as R-19 Parcel 10-3, described in a deed recorded at Book 55650 Page    574, in the South Middlesex Registry of Deeds;  and
Second, approximately 4.17 acres, subject to an agricultural lien dated February 24, 2011,      comprising a portion of a 5.67 acre parcel on Boxboro Road, shown on the Stow Assessors’ Maps as R-18 Parcel 25, described in a deed recorded at Book 50254 Page 246, in the South Middlesex Registry of Deeds; and
whereas this Board held a required public hearing regarding the Town's potential acquisition of the property pursuant to an option or right of first refusal under Chapter 61A, s. 14;  and
whereas this Board voted on July 12, 2016 to exercise the Town's option or right of first refusal, in order to enable a Town Meeting vote on whether to acquire the property; and to provide timely notice to the property owners of the Town's exercise of said option or right of first refusal; and
whereas, notice of the exercise of the Town's option or right of first refusal was recorded in the Middlesex South Registry of Deeds on July 29 2016; and
whereas, by vote of Town Meeting on August 8, 2016, the Town declined to purchase the parcel identified as Parcel 10-3 on Assessors' Map R-19; and
whereas, no action was taken by Town Meeting on August 8, 2016 with respect to that portion of Parcel 25 on Assessors' Map R-18 subject to the Notice of intended sale; with the result that the Town declined to purchase such property;
Mr. Hawkes moved that the Board of Selectmen revoke its exercise of the Town's options or rights of first refusal under G.L. c. 61A, s. 14 with respect to the subject properties; and further that the Board waive the Town's options or rights of first refusal under G.L. c. 61A, s. 14 with respect to the subject properties. Mr. Burke seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.
The Board authorized the Town Administrator to sign letters for the property owner to express the Towns revocation of Exercise the Option and to waive the Rights of First Refusal.
Mr. Hawkes moved to authorize the Town Administrator to sign the letters prepared by Town Counsel re: Revocation of Exercise of Option and Waiver of Rights of First Refusal for 241 Boxboro Road. Mr. Burke seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.

Discussion/vote on liquor license fee for Stow Acres Country Club
The Board signed the transferred liquor license for Stow Acres at the last meeting on August 9.  Because only four to five months of the year remain before the license must be renewed for 2017, the Board agreed to charge a prorated fee for the 2016 full liquor license.

Mr. Hawkes moved to allow for a prorated fee for the remainder of the 2016 liquor license at Stow Acres Golf Course. Mr. Ryan seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.

Town Administrator’s Report
Mr. Wrigley told the Board that sidewalk repairs to Center School are likely to be completed by the end of August.
Mr. Wrigley informed the Board that Doug Hyde, Assistant Facilities Manager, passed the state Local Inspector certification test, and this will now enable him to support the Building Commissioner.
Mr. Wrigley reported on minor progress in the development of water for Lower Village. Roy Angel of MassDevelopment recently met with village business owners Rich Presti and Stephen Steinberg to discuss possible finance funding sources.
Mr. Wrigley mentioned that Eversource has requested to come before the Board again and present updated options for the proposed energy transmission line project.
The Town Administrator left at 7:55 p.m.
Liaison Reports
Mr. Burke reported that the next Tri-Town Meeting will take place on Wednesday, October 5th in Lancaster. He mentioned that he is meeting with his colleagues from Hudson and Sudbury regarding the proposed Eversource project.
Mr. Ryan reiterated the earlier sentiment to encourage people to call the Police Department if they see something that might be suspicious. He suggested using the business phone number for the Stow Police Department, (978) 897-4545.
Ms. Hegemann mentioned SMAHT (Stow Municipal Affordable Housing Trust) will soon be updating their Housing Production Plan. She also mentioned that she has reached out to the Recreation Department to introduce herself as the new liaison.

Mr. Hawkes commented on a letter from resident and historian, Lew Halprin, was intended to clarify a discussion earlier in August, that the spelling of Stow with an “e” is considered an old fashioned spelling.

Mr. Hawkes made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:06 p.m. Mr. Ryan seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Maureen Trunfio
Administrative Assistant to the Board of Selectmen